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Get Involved

Help on a Sunday

We are very much in need of extra people to help out with prayers, readings and Parish Breakfast. Full training will be given. “The Harvest is plenty but the Labourers are few”. Can you help us ? 

Please be in contact with the Parish Office HERE

St Mary's Church Fellowship

Contact:  Chris Scott (01932 785 683)

The SMCF provide a varied program of non-profit making social activities during the year.  The aim is to contribute to the well being and life of St Mary’s by facilitating social interaction.  This supports the mission statement by providing a warm and friendly environment for new, old and potential members of the church.

Endowment Fund

Contact: Rob Gant

Did you know that each year it costs almost £200,000 to run St Mary’s Church? That’s true, but the demand for funding does not stop there. Equally as challenging is the prospect of providing in the longer-term for extraordinary items of expenditure connected both to the fabric of the church building, and promotion of Christian life in the parish. We need to invest in our Church, not just for our lifetime but for future generations.

Thank you for taking a moment to join with us in thinking about the future of this wonderful old church building and all that happens within. St. Mary’s has served this parish for centuries. For some people, it is a place to worship regularly or at special times of the year. To others, it is a place for baptisms, marriages or funerals. Some enjoy concerts, heritage days, community events or just a place to meet. St Mary’s is a place for us all and, to remain so, we need to plan ahead and invest for the benefit of future generations.

The St. Mary’s, Sunbury, Endowment Fund is a registered charity that uses the income generated from legacies left in a personal will or from donations during a lifetime to secure that future. If you would like to know more about the Endowment Fund or wish to discuss how you might help the future of St. Mary’s using the favourable terms for writing a will offered by a local solicitor, please contact the Secretary, Robert Gant, on 01932 788028. Thank you.