Bishop Wand Admissions
There is now no need to book in advance with the Parish Office if you need to record your attendance in church for Bishop Wand admission purposes. Instead we are starting a new system. When you come to church we are asking everyone who needs to register their attendance to do this by scanning a QR code which will be near the entrance. Please then go to your seat and complete the form that will open up on your phone. Once you submit the form then your attendance in church will be logged. We think this system will be faster and simpler and will save a lot of admin time in the Parish Office.
Click here for more admissions information from Bishop Wand.
PLEASE NOTE : Parents/carers are responsible for registering their attendance in church by using the QR Code. Parents/carers must satisfy themselves of the Admission Requirements for Bishop Wand. If we find any families/individuals abusing this registration system or trying to circumvent our new procedures it is extremely unlikely we will be able to endorse their application form for Bishop Wand.